Session 12July 18th
4-1 Congruent Figures and Corresponding Parts 4-2 Triangle Congruence by SSS & SAS 4-3 Triangle Congruence by AAS & ASA 4-4 Using Congruent Triangles: CPCTC Assignment:
Ch 4-2 (evens) Ch 4-3 (evens) Ch 4-4 (evens) Online HW12 (suggested July 25th) Quiz 12 (suggested July 25th) |
Session 16July 27th
5-1 Midsegments of Triangles 5-2 Bisectors in Triangle 5-3 Concurrent Lines, Medians, & Altitudes 5-5 Inequalities in Triangles Assignment:
Ch 5-1 (evens) Ch 5-2 (evens) Ch 5-3 (evens) Ch 5-5 (evens) Supplemental Worksheet Online HW16 (suggested Aug 3rd) Quiz 16 (Suggested Aug 3rd) |
Week 32May 16th
In-Person Celebration Assignment:
Summer |